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Community Service Award

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The eMerging Leaders Outstanding Community Service Award was developed to honor persons who are making significant contributions to their community through their time, actions, talents, and dedication, outside any volunteer work done for their employer. The honorees selected should serve role models for compassion and service, and be striving to make the world a better place. They should have a passion for helping others.

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Any current member agent or agency of Big I Arkansas that is in good standing is eligible to be nominated for the eMerging Leaders Outstanding Community Service Award, with the exception of any paid staff member of Big I Arkansas or any member of the Awards committee.

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Nominees should have consistently demonstrated qualities of compassion and service to an organization or variety of volunteer activities in one year. The charitable service listed on the application cannot be part of the nominee’s job description/duties and the individual cannot receive any monetary or personal benefits from their involvement. 

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Submissions will be evaluated based on the judging criteria below and Award Finalists will be selected from the number of submissions. Finalists will be honored individually throughout the year. The overall Outstanding Community Service Award winner will be  selected from the Finalists and will be honored at the Big I Arkansas Annual Convention. 

Judging criteria:

  • The degree to which their services/ actions have made a lasting or meaningful contribution or impact on  their community  - 20%
  • The length and degree of their service(s) – 20%
  • The extent to which their service or action might be considered above and beyond the call of duty – 20%
  • The extent to which their action would be recognized and valued by their peers/ community leaders- 20%
  • Financial Contributions - 20%

There is no deadline for nominating someone for the Outstanding Community Service Award. Submissions will be accepted anytime throughout the year. For more information about the Outstanding Community Service Award or the eMerging Leaders committee, contact Tiffany McCormick.

Submit Here

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Tiffany McCormick

eMerging Leaders Committee
EMAIL Tiffany